Paid & Non-Paid Federal, State, & San Francisco Maternity & Parental Leave

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Maternity and parental laws have changed quite a bit these last years, and it is quite confusing when you're a first time mom/parent and/or don't have the proper support or explanations through your employer. Thankfully, my hospital UCSF, offered free maternity leave legal counseling and education, so I was able to take advantage of this amazing service and could ask all the questions I had with a live legal counselor. I highly recommend that once you've decided on a hospital to deliver at, that you do your due diligence and ask if any and all maternity education is offered. Closed mouths don't get fed, and the worst thing they can say is no, so there's not much to lose except staying quiet! Because I educated myself, I was able to educate the HR department at my job regarding the new changes in maternity leave time-frame, as well as obtain a longer secured time with my baby, without jeopardizing my position at my job. It was scary to be the first person, nevertheless female, to ever bring this new information up to the higher ups. I do however feel empowered that I was able to bring such positive changes to my workplace as well as lead the path for all future mothers/parents at my company as well. I've included the brochures with detailed explanations of each type of leave as well as Federal versus State and even San Francisco's laws regarding entitled paid and non-paid leave and job-protection. You're welcome ;-)

For more accurate, and up-to-date general information regarding legal rights relating to employment in California, please refer to



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