Special & Affordable Valentine's Day Ideas At Home

Saturday, February 02, 2019

I'm beaming with extra love these days, because I know something special is growing out of love inside me right now. I guess you could say Valentine's Day is just one of the many reasons our baby girl was created ;-) Sean is always amazing at pulling all the right moves when it comes to surprising me for Love Day, but since I'm 26 weeks now, being at home with my boo is all I really want and need this year. It got me thinking of creative and affordable ways we could enjoy our special evening together. Even if you don’t have a significant other, some of these are totally worth doing for yourself or family/friends too. Here are some ideas below:

A Bouquet of Red Roses or Room Full of Rose Petals 
Nothing says Valentine’s Day like a bouquet of roses or a ton of rose petals…Sean's not one for grand gestures or anything ;-) Every year for the past couple of years, he’s been surprising me with them and every time I think he should do this more often! Their prices go up as we get closer to Valentine’s Day, but they last for a week or two depending on how well you take care of them. Bonus tip: you can pick up vases from the dollar store to display your bouquet, you can sprinkle rose petals into Champagne as it makes the taste a little better, or if you have a bathtub then gather the petals and use them while taking a bath.

Bouquets of Balloons 
You may have seen bouquets of heart balloons on many Instagram influencer accounts. They really set the whole Valentine's Day mood and light up a room, as they're such a fun and thoughtful gift idea. You wouldn’t believe how affordable they are – just $15 for a dozen from Party City. They run a Valentine’s Day special every year and it’s going on now. 

A Romantic Dinner At Home
I really love to cook, especially for my loved ones, so I’d actually prefer to make a meal at home on Valentine’s Day vs. going out. It’s always more relaxing to eat at home anyway. Our go-to is typically a steak meal – preferably filet mignon. This is the recipe/technique I follow. Getting dressed up, adding scented candles around the dinner table, and popping our favorite bottle of red wine (guess this year Sean will have to drink for two lol) makes it extra special. 

Baked Cookies or Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 
You don’t necessarily have to shell out big bucks for gourmet chocolates. There are all kinds of homemade Valentine treats that are reasonably easy to make for $10 or less, but my absolute favorite (and easiest) sweets are heart-shaped cookies or strawberries dipped in chocolate. They both won't take much of your time or paycheck, but are made with love. If you're not into the idea of molding each cookie into a heart, there's always the heart-shaped cookie cutters ($5 at Michael’s) that let you create a variety of heart-shaped foods, from sandwiches to pancakes. You can also find instructions online to make your own heart-shaped cookie cutters from soda cans or tuna cans if you don't have time to pick one up.

A Poem or Card 
When I was little, the only thing I ever wanted in a husband was for him to express in writing exactly how he feels about me. Sean comes from a musical background much like myself, and definitely has a passionate deep way with words. It's always extra special when he writes me a beautiful card, as he makes sure to write a good paragraph or two. Most cards are mass produced and come with a message, so  if you're not much of a writer it's nice if you can get creative and make use of your personal skills, whatever those happen to be. For instance: If you’re an artist, draw a picture for (or of) your significant other If you’re a crafter, assemble a fancy card incorporating lace, beads, pop-up paper designs, or any other materials you like to work with. If you’re a skilled wordsmith, express your feelings in a poem or a romantic love letter. If you’re a computer whiz, design and print a card on your home computer – or create an animated love message that you can send by email. Any of these cards is likely to be treasured longer than something you picked off a rack at the store. As long as the message is personal and heartfelt, it qualifies as a romantic gesture, even if it cost only pennies to make.

Romantic Playlist
You can put a romantic twist on a musical gift by creating a playlist of songs that are special to you. Include the song that was playing when you met, the first song you danced to, and any other songs that recall important moments in your relationship. Alternatively, you can put together a collection of songs that express what’s special about your sweetheart or about the two of you as a couple. At about $1 per song, a playlist makes a romantic gift that’s easy to afford. 


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